Body care

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The STOMACHis injured whenyou do not havebreakfast in themorning.The KIDNEYSare injured whenyou do not evendrink 10 glassesof water in 24hours.GALLBLADDRis injured whenyou do not evensleep until 11o'clock and do notwake up to thesunrise.The SMALLINTESTINE isinjured when youeat cold and stalefood.The LARGEINTESTINES areinjured when youeat more friedand spicy food.The LUNGS areinjured when youbreathe in smokeand stay inpollutedenvironment ofcigarettes.The LIVER isinjured when youeat heavy friedfood, junk, andfast food.The HEART isinjured when youeat your meal withmore salt andcholesterol.The PANCREASis injured whenyou eat sweetthings becausethey are tasty andfreely available.The Eyes areinjured when youwork in the lightof mobile phoneand computerscreen in thedark.The Brain isinjured when youstart thinkingnegativethoughts.The SOUL getsinjured when youdon't have familyand friends tocare and sharewith you in lifetheir love,affection,happiness,sorrow and joy. All these bodyparts are NOTavailable in themarket. So take goodcare and keepyour body partshealthy. 

EFFECT OF WATER💐 We Know Water isimportant but neverknew about theSpecial Times onehas to drink it.. !! Did you ??? 

💦 Drinking Water at theRight Time ⏰Maximizes itseffectiveness on theHuman Body;  

1⃣ 1 Glass of Water after waking up - 🕕⛅ helps to activate internal organs..  

2⃣ 1 Glass of Water 30 Minutes 🕧 before a Meal - helps digestion..  

3⃣ 1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath 🚿 - helps lower your blood pressure.  

4⃣ 1 Glass of Water before going to Bed - 🕙 avoids Stroke or Heart Attack.  

Product Information

Dynapharm Article

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