Di Grow in Murang'a For Animal Poultry Farming
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More and more farmers in Muranga County have got into the Latest trend of using organic fertilizer for greater yields for their plant harvest. It is estimated that with the use of Di Grow, a farmer will harvest a 25% to 35% greater harvest yield. Learm more: The most supprising fact is that Di Grow Green is also used for Animals.
Poultry Farming with Di grow Green
Frequently Asked Questions about Di Grow on Poultry
What do you do once your chickens arrive from your supplier?
- 2 hrs before chicks' arrival, you must have switched on the brooder warmer, be it stima, jiko or gas warmer.2) The wood shavings flooring in the brooder must have been covered with newspaper or a sisal gunia, this is to avoid chicks eating the wood chips.3) The brooder must be rodent proof, and no kids should come into the brooder area.
🐣 Now chicks are here….what next?
🐥Ensure you have liquid paraffin and glucose/amino acids/vitamin drink ready.🐥As you remove the chicks from their box, observe them, check for any strange-looking ones and isolate them.🐥Quality chicks are active, bright-eyed, round, and fluffy, it should be able to run around when you try to catch them.🐥The chicks should not be having a protruding navel, also check for crippled chicks and report to your supplier.🐥Make sure you have been given a vaccination schedule for your chicks by your supplier.🐥Feed them after 20 minutes of taking water (power shot) make sure every chick has taken the water mixed with Di Grow📌Always ensure anyone getting into the chicken coop is disinfected, to avoid transferring diseases to your poultry.
Self-diagnosis and medicine recommendations.
1⃣ Flu-like symptom and/ swollen heads:use any of these; Respimint, Ciloxan, Doxin, Interflox or Coliflox
2⃣Sick birds with red/blood droppings(coccidiosis) :for these use Sulphur drugs like Sulfacox, Esb3, and Bremamed.
3⃣ Sick birds with watery, greenish, or whitish dropping.use Coloxan, Doxin, Interflox, Coliflox, Sulfacox, Esb3 and Bremamed.
4⃣ Fowlpox, sores, and blisters:use Aliseryl, Nemovit, Sulfacox, Esb3.Note: Also control biting insects which spread the disease
5⃣ General sickness, inactive birds that seem cold, drooping wings but having normal droppingsuse Aliseryl, Nemovit, Terranox, Tylocip
6⃣ Worms in bird droppings or intestines:use Piperin
7⃣ Growth supplements (boosters)use Di Grow Green, intro check, broiler vita boost
8⃣ Egg production supplements (egg booster):Breeder vita boost, Nemovit, intro check, Di Grow Green
9⃣ Heat stress:Betasol-c
🔟 Huge liver, water in the belly of dead birds, ascites (just a remedy but not cure):Bedgen-40, introchick.
📌Add aloe vera, garlic or ginger in your poultry's drinking water.📌Feed your chickens well to boost their immunity.📌Ensure the chicken coop is always clean to avoid your chickens getting infections.📌Ensure to deworm your chickens every 3 months.
NB Feeding Chickens with Di Grow will boost their immune systems against diseases reducing their attack
Overall, Di Grow is a great product that improves plant yield and quality of fruits. Its effectiveness has been proven and recognized in many countries around the world.
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