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Do Away With Osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become thinner and more fragile. It can lead to fractures, which are fractures caused by the breaking of bones. Fractures can be serious and may even cause death. 

The good news is that there is often a better option than having a fracture. The bad news is that it's not easy to take advantage of it. 


Chlorophyll is good for osteoporosis 


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You need to understand two things about osteoporosis. First, it's not a disease you get from being old or weak or heavy. It doesn't matter how old you are or how strong you are or how much weight you have. It just happens to people who live long enough to develop bone thinning and weakness. And second, it's not as simple as saying "exercise" and thinking "therefore exercise will help." That may be true for some people, but at least half of the people with osteoporosis have little trouble moving their bones around and don't need any help with that – which means most of the time exercise won't help them either way. 

So why do most doctors prescribe exercise for osteoporosis? The answer probably has more to do with what they think doctors are supposed to do than anything else. 

It is important to know what treatments are available because the symptoms of osteoporosis are nonspecific. 

They include: 

a. pain and discomfort in your back, hips, or legs 

b. neck pain 

c. frequent falls for no obvious reason 

d. a fracture 

e. a bone loss that might be more than 1% a year 

f. a vertebral fracture (entire spinal column) 

g. loss of height 

h. lymphedema, the swelling of tissues caused by fluid buildup around the limbs due to prolonged use of diuretics 

i. impotence (which may be more than 50% likely in men and more than 40% likely in women) 

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Treatment for osteoporosis depends on a number of factors, including the severity of your disease, your age, other medical conditions and how likely you are to fall and break a bone. If you have osteopenia (low bone density), your doctor may advise you to make changes in your diet and exercise habits that could help prevent further bone loss. 

Treatments for established osteoporosis may include: 

Vitamin and mineral supplements. Calcium is the best-known supplement for strong bones, but vitamin D is also important because it helps your body absorb calcium. 

dynapharm at dynapharm.sale.co.ke Products that Treat Osteoporosis 

Chlorophyllsoybean for oestrogenPro link for immunity and calciumDyna RHGin AliSea cucumber jelly. 

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